
Colorectal Surgeon

Many conditions can affect your lower digestive tract. While your primary care physician can diagnose and treat some of these conditions, a colorectal surgeon is specially trained to assess and treat conditions affecting the colon, rectum and anus.

Colorectal Surgeon

Surgery is a major event in any patient’s life. Educating yourself about your procedure can help make the experience less stressful. Contact Colorectal Surgeon Phoenix for professional help.

A Colorectal Surgeon diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the lower digestive tract, including inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, polyps, and diverticular diseases. In addition, they are trained in the use of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical techniques to reduce pain and scarring after surgery, speed up recovery time and shorten hospital stays.

Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis often require surgery to remove large segments of the colon or rectum when medications are not effective. This can control symptoms and prevent the development of complications such as fistulas (tunnels that develop between the skin and the lining around the anus or rectum, and may ooze blood or pus), rectal prolapse and abdominal pain.

Diverticulitis is a condition where small pouches, called diverticula, develop in the colon’s lining and become inflamed or infected. In extreme cases, surgery is needed to remove the affected segment of the colon.

Polyps are abnormal growths that can be either benign or precancerous and often require removal to eliminate the possibility of cancer. A colorectal surgeon also performs ostomy surgeries to create an opening for the body to eliminate waste, such as colostomy and ileostomy, which can be temporary or permanent.

Hemorrhoids are often treated with saline laxatives or herbal remedies, but some patients need medical attention. This is because some hemorrhoids are very painful and need to be removed surgically, as they can lead to serious infections in the anal canal if left untreated.

Other conditions that a colorectal surgeon treats include anal fistulas, which are tunnels that develop between the skin and the lining of the anus or rectum, and can ooze blood or pus during bowel movements; rectal prolapse, where part of the rectum slips outside of the anus; and abdominal pain caused by hernias or infection.

While any surgical procedure carries risks, your colorectal surgeon will help you minimize them by explaining the procedure in detail and answering any questions you may have. They will also advise you on dietary and health changes that can improve your chances of having a successful and speedy recovery.


Your primary care doctor may recommend you see a colorectal surgeon or colon and rectal specialist, especially if your symptoms are related to the colon or rectum. Several conditions can lead to this referral, including colon polyps, colorectal cancer, or inflammatory conditions like diverticulitis and Crohn’s disease.

You can also be referred to a colorectal surgeon for problems like anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or rectovaginal abscesses. Your GI doctor may have already performed tests like blood work and imaging to diagnose these issues, but a colon and rectal surgeon has undergone advanced training to perform surgical management.

A GI doctor typically refers patients to a colon and rectal surgeon when the problem requires a surgical intervention to resolve it. You may be referred to a colorectal specialist if your gastroenterologist discovers a colon polyp during a colonoscopy, or if you have an inflammatory condition that doesn’t respond to medication.

When you are referred to a colon and rectal surgeon, it is important to tell them all of your symptoms and concerns. This will help them determine which types of testing and surgery are right for you. Some of the most common procedures include a colonoscopy, digital rectal exam, laparoscopic surgery, and rectoplasty.

Before surgery, you will likely need to follow a special diet and take laxatives to empty your bowels. This will prepare your body for the procedure and reduce your risk of infection. You may also need to stop certain medications before surgery, especially those that affect bleeding. Your doctor will provide specific guidelines.

After surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days so doctors can monitor your recovery and ensure that your digestive system is functioning properly. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to track your progress and address any issues that arise.

If you have been diagnosed with a condition that requires treatment from a colorectal surgeon, it is important to keep all of your follow-up appointments. Doing so will ensure that your condition is treated effectively and that any complications are addressed promptly. If you don’t, your condition may worsen and cause further health issues.


Colorectal surgeons treat a wide range of conditions related to the colon and rectal area, including:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, which may require surgery to remove diseased sections of the large intestine.

Polyps: Abnormal growths in the lining of the colon that can become cancerous over time.

Colon Cancer: Early-stage colon cancer is usually confined to the rectal wall and can often be treated with a local excision (removal of only the affected tissue). A more extensive operation called an ileocolic resection or colostomy may be necessary if the cancer is advanced or has spread.

Anal Fistulas and Abscesses: Small tears in the lining of the anus or anal canal that can cause pain with bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids: Swollen blood vessels in and around the anus and rectum that can cause pain, bleeding and itching.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

If medications don’t help relieve symptoms, your colorectal surgeon may recommend surgery. We offer a variety of minimally invasive options, as well as traditional open surgery.

During laparoscopic colorectal surgery, our surgeons make several small incisions. They insert a thin tube into one of the incisions to see your colon on a screen and surgical tools into the others. The surgeon operates from a console where they control robotic arms that move the surgical tools with precision and enhanced dexterity. MSK doctors helped pioneer this type of minimally invasive surgery and perform more robot-assisted colon and rectal surgeries than any other institution in the country.

With this procedure, your surgeon makes a large incision in the abdomen to remove the tumor and some of the healthy colon or rectum. This type of surgery takes longer to recover from than less invasive procedures. If you have this surgery, we may create a hole in the abdomen that allows waste to pass out of your body through an opening in the abdominal wall (called a stoma or ostomy). Stool then leaves the body into a bag attached to the stoma. The stoma can be temporary or permanent. Our team can also repair an existing colostomy.


A colorectal surgeon is a medical professional who specializes in the colon, rectum and anus. They treat conditions that affect your lower digestive tract, including hemorrhoids and bowel cancer. They also use minimally invasive surgery techniques, which are less painful and have shorter hospital stays.

The lower part of your gastrointestinal tract runs from your mouth to the anus, where food enters your large intestine. Your colon and rectum are made up of many different organs. They are the last stop on the journey food takes through your body. Conditions like Crohn’s disease, diverticular disease and hemorrhoids can cause discomfort and problems with urinating and defecating. Medications often treat these conditions, but when symptoms are severe, you may need surgical treatment.

During your operation, you will be put under general anesthesia. After your surgery, you will stay in the recovery room for about 30 minutes to an hour. Your doctor will talk with you and answer any questions. Then you will be able to go home or return to the hospital to continue your recovery.

Before you leave the hospital, you’ll need to have someone ready to drive you or help with your care at home. It’s important to have someone around while you recover, especially if your surgery was more invasive or if you have health problems that make it difficult to sit for long periods of time.

Colorectal surgeons perform a wide range of surgeries, including:

Bowel resection surgery

This surgery removes part or all of your large intestine. It’s often needed for cancer or other serious conditions. It can also help relieve pain and other symptoms from chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel syndrome (UC). Anus surgery


Why It’s Important to Keep Track of Your Roof Repair Expenses

The roof is a vital part of your home, protecting it from the elements. It’s easy to take your roof for granted until it shows signs of wear and tear.

Roof Repair

Repairing a damaged roof is much less messy and costly than replacing the entire thing. However, some homeowners have difficulty deciding between repairs and replacement.

A roof’s shingles take a beating from weather, sun exposure, and general wear and tear. In addition, sudden severe storms can leave shingles vulnerable to damage as well. The best way to protect a home’s shingles is to rescue any curled or damaged ones on a regular basis. The process is simple and can extend the life of your shingles significantly.

Begin by identifying the location of the damaged shingle. This will help you determine how many replacement shingles are required to complete the repair. It’s also helpful to know if the area around the damage is prone to future problems so you can take precautionary measures.

Once you have a clear idea of the area that needs attention, gather your supplies: flat pry bar, hammer, utility knife, shingles and shingle cement or adhesive. Ideally, you should also have some replacement shingles that closely match the damaged ones on hand. You can usually find these at your local home improvement store.

Position the flat pry bar beneath the shingle directly above the damaged one. Gently lift the shingle to break the sealer strip connection and expose the nails. Next, pull the shingle to remove it. Be careful when loosening shingles as they can easily crack and fall. Ensure that you are removing only the shingle and not the underlying materials.

Continue loosening the shingles and pulling them until you have cleared the area of the damaged shingle. Then, apply a bead of shingle cement or adhesive to the underside of the new shingle and place it on the spot where the old shingle was. Be sure to nail the shingle down with 4 roofing nails.

To repair a cracked shingle, simply put a bead of shingle sealant beneath the crack and press the damaged shingle down. Smooth out the sealant with a putty knife and, if necessary, camouflage the repair by applying some shingle granules that have been washed down from the gutter and sprinkle them over the wet sealant.

Remember to always work on a warm, dry afternoon, as the shingles will be supple and less likely to crack. If you’re unsure of how to handle a particular roof repair, consult a professional. They will be able to provide you with the tips and tools needed for safe, effective repairs.


A leaky roof is more than just an eyesore – standing water can damage the ceiling support beams, which in turn can cause structural issues for the entire house. If left unattended, mold and mildew can also start to grow in the attic, walls and crawlspaces. This can be a serious health issue for your family, especially if there are children or elderly people living in the home.

The first thing you need to do is shut off your water and drain the area of excess moisture. You can do this by using a wet-dry vac and large dehumidifier.

Once the area is dry, you can take a closer look at the problem. If the leaking is only a small spot, you may be able to simply repair it with caulk from your hardware store. However, more extensive leaking from walls and dormers will probably need to be looked at by an expert.

If the problem is a larger leaking area, it’s important to protect your belongings and the rest of the ceiling by covering it with a tarp. Make sure the tarp extends a minimum of four feet across the area and up to the peak. It’s a good idea to have help in securing the tarp and in removing any debris from the area.

Another common problem that often requires emergency roof repair is a leak around a skylight or chimney. This is usually caused by problems with the flashing or shingles surrounding these features. In this case, it’s important to get a roofing company to come out to perform a permanent repair as soon as possible.

If you can’t afford to have the roof repaired right away, you can perform a temporary repair by using roofing tar and plywood or spare shingles. This should keep moisture, rain and other debris from entering your home until you can have a roofing company out to do a more permanent repair. In some cases, homeowners insurance will require that you take these steps to mitigate damages before they’ll cover the cost of long-term repairs.

Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can grow on the roof and in your house if there is a leak or other problem. Both are fungi that thrive in damp and humid conditions. Mold spores can cause serious damage and affect your health if they are inhaled. They also spread quickly and can be very difficult to remove from porous surfaces and absorbent materials.

Neither mold nor mildew is good for your health. Both can trigger respiratory problems and may irritate skin. Some strains of mold produce toxins called mycotoxins, which can lead to a range of symptoms, including respiratory issues, headaches, rashes and other skin irritations. Mold spores can also trigger allergies in people with sensitivity to them.

While mold and mildew both thrive in moist conditions, they are different in many ways. Mildew appears as flat, powdery spots and has a less fuzzy texture than mold. Mildew tends to be a lighter color, such as white or gray. Mold, on the other hand, can be darker, such as green, black or red. Mold is more likely to cause structural damage than mildew.

Mold requires a few things to grow, including moisture, air and food. It can be found in a variety of materials, such as dust, paints, wallpaper and insulation materials. It can also grow in drywall, wood and fabric. Mold can also grow in cracks and crevices, and is often seen around leaks or in places that have been flooded.

When a surface is infested with mold, it should be cleaned immediately to prevent the spread of mold spores throughout the home. Mold can be removed from nonporous surfaces with soapy water, a bleach solution or disinfectants. Scrub the area with a sponge or brush and rinse it. Frequently change the water and use fresh sponges to avoid reinfesting the area with mold or mildew spores. For more challenging areas, it’s often better to call in a professional to handle mold removal, especially when the mold is visible or you can smell it. A professional will be able to confirm that the problem is solved and won’t return, sparing you a potentially costly and frustrating cleanup job.

Tree Damage

Trees can damage houses and other structures, including windows and doors, and even cause power outages. It’s important to have a professional roofer check your roof after a storm for any serious damage. It’s also important to keep track of any expenses you incur as you repair your home. For example, if you had to tarp your roof or board up any exposed window, keeping receipts will ensure you get the insurance reimbursement you deserve.

Damaged trees are usually caused by natural events like wind, snow and ice storms. These can result in broken branches, uprooted trees and smashed roots. But trees can also be damaged by insect infestation, poor soil conditions and construction work. The type of repair needed depends on the extent and cause of the damage.

When trees are damaged by storms, it’s essential to contact your homeowners insurance agent. They’ll advise you on how to proceed, and will send an expert inspector to make sure your house didn’t sustain any major damage. They’ll check the condition of your roof and ensure the tree wasn’t a contributing factor to the damage.

If a tree has been damaged by wind or snow, it’s important to clear debris as soon as possible. This will help prevent further damage and potential injuries.

It’s also a good idea to consult an arborist or a tree surgeon if you suspect any significant damage. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem and recommend a repair strategy.

In some cases, the best solution is to remove the damaged tree. This can be a complicated task, especially if the damage is severe or it’s near utility lines or your home. However, if a tree is a significant part of your landscape and you have other healthy trees in the area, then removal may not be an option.

If a tree’s bark has been ripped or severely damaged, it can be repaired with bridge grafting. This involves building a bridge across the gap so nutrients can flow through, using scions (twigs from last year’s growth) about the width of your thumb. To start the process, carefully cut a flap in the bark of the damaged tree. You’ll want to create these flaps close to the wound, making sure they don’t dislodge from the tree.

Business Services

How to Treat Dry Eye

A steady flow of tears covers the clear front surface of the eye (cornea). Tears provide lubrication, reduce risk of infection, wash away foreign material and help maintain consistent vision.

Adding foods to your diet that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts and salmon) may decrease dry eye symptoms. Cholinergic medicines (pilocarpine, cevimeline) can also increase tear production. Contact Dry Eye Baltimore, MD now!

Many people experience temporary dry eye symptoms on occasion, such as when they’re in a windy environment or after spending too much time looking at screens. But chronic dry eye, which is also called dysfunctional tear syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, can cause discomfort, red eyes, watery eyes, blurred vision and the feeling that something is in your eye.

If you think you have DED, the first step is to make an appointment with your family health care provider or an ophthalmologist. They’ll ask about your symptoms and perform a comprehensive exam of the eyes and the surrounding area, including an assessment of the tears. A Schirmer test is often used to measure the amount of tears produced; it involves placing a strip of paper under the lower lid and then measuring how much the strip is soaked up after five minutes.

Your doctor may recommend that you try different types of artificial tears or prescription eye drops, which can help reduce inflammation and improve the quality of the tear film. They might also prescribe a medicated ointment or tear duct plugs. Your doctor might also suggest changes to your lifestyle or environment, such as using a humidifier in your home and office and eliminating forced air conditioning or heating, which can irritate the eyes.

In some cases, patients have very little evidence of low tear volume but still suffer from the pain and other symptoms of DED because their brains amplify the nerve impulses caused by the disease. These patients are said to have neuropathic DED.

Other conditions besides DED can evoke similar symptoms, such as an allergic reaction (allergy) or toxic conjunctivitis (a condition that causes scarring of the cornea). It’s important to determine which primary problem you have — and treat it accordingly — before trying to relieve your DED symptoms. A good way to do this is to add foods such as walnuts and fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, to your diet. These nutrients can help keep the tear layer thicker and prevent evaporation. You can also find a wide range of natural treatments for dry eye and allergy relief online.


For an accurate diagnosis, the ophthalmologist will ask about the symptoms and duration of the condition. They will also check the health of the tear film, the three layers that cover the cornea, for signs of inflammation or other issues.

Eye drops may be prescribed to help increase tear production or decrease inflammation. In addition, prescription eye ointments and artificial tears can be used to provide immediate relief. Often, the doctor will suggest changing environmental conditions, such as limiting screen time or increasing the use of humidifiers at home and work, to alleviate symptoms. In addition, oral supplements of essential fatty acids can decrease dry eye symptoms in some patients.

The ophthalmologist will also review the patient’s family history of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, and any medications they are taking. They will also examine the front of the eye and may perform a dilated exam to see the back of the eye (see below).

There are many diagnostic tests for dry eye syndrome, ranging from Schirmer’s test to an epithelial staining procedure. In the latter, the ophthalmologist administers painless drops into the eyes that stain abnormal, or devitalized, cells of the conjunctiva and cornea (see below). Typically, these cells are indicative of dry eye disease.

In some cases, the doctor will also recommend a blood test to evaluate for underlying systemic diseases that could be contributing to the dry eye disease. These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, progressive systemic sclerosis and dermatomyositis. In these cases, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary to treat the dry eye symptoms adequately.

Patients can take steps to help prevent dry eye by maintaining proper blinking, using artificial tears or ointments, and avoiding direct exposure to high airflow or fans and smoking. They can also consider wearing wraparound sunglasses to protect the eyes from wind and sunlight and drink plenty of water, especially if they are experiencing discomfort or redness around their eyes. They can also try dietary supplements that contain essential fatty acids or ask their primary care provider or rheumatologist for a medication adjustment, such as a reduction in the use of antidepressants, NSAIDs and oral contraceptives.


Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops and ointments can provide temporary relief for dry eye symptoms. Several different types are available, so it’s important to find the one that works for you. Try switching brands or formulations until you find the one that works best for your symptoms and lifestyle.

If your symptoms are severe, talk to your doctor about prescription lubricating drops or ointments that are more effective and longer-lasting. Your doctor may also recommend a preservative-free corticosteroid drop (Restasis) that can improve the quality of your tears by inhibiting phospholipase A2 activity, thereby decreasing the production of arachidonic acid and blocking the inflammatory response.

Some medications can cause or worsen dry eye, including retinoids, antidepressants, diuretics and some antibiotics. If you suspect a medication is causing your dry eye, talk to your doctor about changing the dosage or switching to another medication.

Other treatments for dry eyes include hot compresses and eyelid massage, which can help decrease blocked meibomian gland excretory ducts. Topical cyclosporine, a medication that reduces inflammation and increases the production of tears, is also helpful for some people with dry eye. Finally, short-term use of a steroidal ointment, such as a cyclosporine/non-steroidal combination product (Restasis), can significantly improve tear film stability and thickness in some patients.

In most cases, the key to treating dry eye is to understand what causes it and make changes to your home or work environment to prevent symptoms. This includes taking frequent breaks from screens and using a lubricating ointment before bed. Staying well hydrated can also help.

For people who cannot make these changes, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that you talk to your doctor about getting a referral to a rheumatologist in case an underlying systemic condition is causing the dry eye symptoms. This will help your primary care provider or ophthalmologist investigate and treat the underlying disease to relieve the dry eye symptoms. You can also ask your doctor about supplements that can support healthy eyes, such as omega-3 fatty acids. They are available as oily fish or in capsules.


While everyone experiences the gritty, uncomfortable feeling of dry eye at some point, for many people it is a chronic problem that requires consistent management. The condition, formally known as ocular surface disease, occurs when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to keep them healthy and comfortable. Tears, which consist of three separate layers, are essential for good vision and clear eyesight. When the tear film is disrupted, symptoms such as itching and watering may occur.

There are a variety of factors that can cause or worsen dry eye, including age, the environment and certain medications. Women after menopause are more likely to develop the condition than men. Low-humidity climates and indoor environments can exacerbate symptoms. Certain medications, including antihistamines and decongestants, can decrease tear production. In addition, air pollution and cigarette smoke can irritate the eyes and trigger symptoms.

The most effective treatment for dry eye is using nonprescription artificial tears, available at pharmacies and grocery stores. The drops are sold in both preserved (screw-cap bottle) and unpreserved form. It’s important to use the unpreserved formula, as the preservatives can damage the surface of the eye over time. The drops should be used every 2 hours, or more often if symptoms persist. It’s also a good idea to use a humidifier, particularly during the winter.

Some other preventive steps include making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding second-hand smoke and direct wind and wearing wraparound sunglasses when going outdoors. Wearing a mask when mowing the lawn or working in the woodshop may help. In some cases, doctors recommend a prescription drop or ointment, warm compresses and lid massages, or the use of eyelid wipes to reduce inflammation. They may also recommend a dietary supplement that contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in oily fish such as tuna and salmon, or as a daily pill.

In severe cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to plug the tiny holes in the corners of the eyes, called lacrimal plugs. This is a quick procedure and is not painful. It can significantly improve symptoms for some people.