The roof is a vital part of your home, protecting it from the elements. It’s easy to take your roof for granted until it shows signs of wear and tear.

Repairing a damaged roof is much less messy and costly than replacing the entire thing. However, some homeowners have difficulty deciding between repairs and replacement.
A roof’s shingles take a beating from weather, sun exposure, and general wear and tear. In addition, sudden severe storms can leave shingles vulnerable to damage as well. The best way to protect a home’s shingles is to rescue any curled or damaged ones on a regular basis. The process is simple and can extend the life of your shingles significantly.
Begin by identifying the location of the damaged shingle. This will help you determine how many replacement shingles are required to complete the repair. It’s also helpful to know if the area around the damage is prone to future problems so you can take precautionary measures.
Once you have a clear idea of the area that needs attention, gather your supplies: flat pry bar, hammer, utility knife, shingles and shingle cement or adhesive. Ideally, you should also have some replacement shingles that closely match the damaged ones on hand. You can usually find these at your local home improvement store.
Position the flat pry bar beneath the shingle directly above the damaged one. Gently lift the shingle to break the sealer strip connection and expose the nails. Next, pull the shingle to remove it. Be careful when loosening shingles as they can easily crack and fall. Ensure that you are removing only the shingle and not the underlying materials.
Continue loosening the shingles and pulling them until you have cleared the area of the damaged shingle. Then, apply a bead of shingle cement or adhesive to the underside of the new shingle and place it on the spot where the old shingle was. Be sure to nail the shingle down with 4 roofing nails.
To repair a cracked shingle, simply put a bead of shingle sealant beneath the crack and press the damaged shingle down. Smooth out the sealant with a putty knife and, if necessary, camouflage the repair by applying some shingle granules that have been washed down from the gutter and sprinkle them over the wet sealant.
Remember to always work on a warm, dry afternoon, as the shingles will be supple and less likely to crack. If you’re unsure of how to handle a particular roof repair, consult a professional. They will be able to provide you with the tips and tools needed for safe, effective repairs.
A leaky roof is more than just an eyesore – standing water can damage the ceiling support beams, which in turn can cause structural issues for the entire house. If left unattended, mold and mildew can also start to grow in the attic, walls and crawlspaces. This can be a serious health issue for your family, especially if there are children or elderly people living in the home.
The first thing you need to do is shut off your water and drain the area of excess moisture. You can do this by using a wet-dry vac and large dehumidifier.
Once the area is dry, you can take a closer look at the problem. If the leaking is only a small spot, you may be able to simply repair it with caulk from your hardware store. However, more extensive leaking from walls and dormers will probably need to be looked at by an expert.
If the problem is a larger leaking area, it’s important to protect your belongings and the rest of the ceiling by covering it with a tarp. Make sure the tarp extends a minimum of four feet across the area and up to the peak. It’s a good idea to have help in securing the tarp and in removing any debris from the area.
Another common problem that often requires emergency roof repair is a leak around a skylight or chimney. This is usually caused by problems with the flashing or shingles surrounding these features. In this case, it’s important to get a roofing company to come out to perform a permanent repair as soon as possible.
If you can’t afford to have the roof repaired right away, you can perform a temporary repair by using roofing tar and plywood or spare shingles. This should keep moisture, rain and other debris from entering your home until you can have a roofing company out to do a more permanent repair. In some cases, homeowners insurance will require that you take these steps to mitigate damages before they’ll cover the cost of long-term repairs.
Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew can grow on the roof and in your house if there is a leak or other problem. Both are fungi that thrive in damp and humid conditions. Mold spores can cause serious damage and affect your health if they are inhaled. They also spread quickly and can be very difficult to remove from porous surfaces and absorbent materials.
Neither mold nor mildew is good for your health. Both can trigger respiratory problems and may irritate skin. Some strains of mold produce toxins called mycotoxins, which can lead to a range of symptoms, including respiratory issues, headaches, rashes and other skin irritations. Mold spores can also trigger allergies in people with sensitivity to them.
While mold and mildew both thrive in moist conditions, they are different in many ways. Mildew appears as flat, powdery spots and has a less fuzzy texture than mold. Mildew tends to be a lighter color, such as white or gray. Mold, on the other hand, can be darker, such as green, black or red. Mold is more likely to cause structural damage than mildew.
Mold requires a few things to grow, including moisture, air and food. It can be found in a variety of materials, such as dust, paints, wallpaper and insulation materials. It can also grow in drywall, wood and fabric. Mold can also grow in cracks and crevices, and is often seen around leaks or in places that have been flooded.
When a surface is infested with mold, it should be cleaned immediately to prevent the spread of mold spores throughout the home. Mold can be removed from nonporous surfaces with soapy water, a bleach solution or disinfectants. Scrub the area with a sponge or brush and rinse it. Frequently change the water and use fresh sponges to avoid reinfesting the area with mold or mildew spores. For more challenging areas, it’s often better to call in a professional to handle mold removal, especially when the mold is visible or you can smell it. A professional will be able to confirm that the problem is solved and won’t return, sparing you a potentially costly and frustrating cleanup job.
Tree Damage
Trees can damage houses and other structures, including windows and doors, and even cause power outages. It’s important to have a professional roofer check your roof after a storm for any serious damage. It’s also important to keep track of any expenses you incur as you repair your home. For example, if you had to tarp your roof or board up any exposed window, keeping receipts will ensure you get the insurance reimbursement you deserve.
Damaged trees are usually caused by natural events like wind, snow and ice storms. These can result in broken branches, uprooted trees and smashed roots. But trees can also be damaged by insect infestation, poor soil conditions and construction work. The type of repair needed depends on the extent and cause of the damage.
When trees are damaged by storms, it’s essential to contact your homeowners insurance agent. They’ll advise you on how to proceed, and will send an expert inspector to make sure your house didn’t sustain any major damage. They’ll check the condition of your roof and ensure the tree wasn’t a contributing factor to the damage.
If a tree has been damaged by wind or snow, it’s important to clear debris as soon as possible. This will help prevent further damage and potential injuries.
It’s also a good idea to consult an arborist or a tree surgeon if you suspect any significant damage. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem and recommend a repair strategy.
In some cases, the best solution is to remove the damaged tree. This can be a complicated task, especially if the damage is severe or it’s near utility lines or your home. However, if a tree is a significant part of your landscape and you have other healthy trees in the area, then removal may not be an option.
If a tree’s bark has been ripped or severely damaged, it can be repaired with bridge grafting. This involves building a bridge across the gap so nutrients can flow through, using scions (twigs from last year’s growth) about the width of your thumb. To start the process, carefully cut a flap in the bark of the damaged tree. You’ll want to create these flaps close to the wound, making sure they don’t dislodge from the tree.